Coconut Body Scrub & Purifying Bath
This rich creamy coconut scrub containing enzymes and coconut extracting that are used to refresh dry skin.
The scrub begins by rubbing and massaging the coconut cream
across your body to make it dissolve. It helps to moisturize and
nourish the skin leaving it smoother, cleaner and revitalized.
90mins: 45$

Papaya Body Scrub & Purifying Bath
Back to the ancient time, papaya is used to bathe in sour milk to keep the skin smooth. Tropical Asian women daubs the mash
and the ripe papaya around their eyes to keep their wrinkles at bay.
Due to the fruit’s mild exfoliating properties, the skin loses a layer,
and wrinkles appear less noticeable. This body treatment is designed
to soften and revitalize the skin when absorbed and remove
the flake cells on the skin’s surface.
90mins: 45$
120mins: 65$

Avocado Body Scrub & Purifying Bath
This simulating cleansing treatment consisted of massaging your body with fresh avocado, promoting relaxation,
removing dead skin cells cleanses the pores,
moisturize the skin, and leaves skin clean and soft
after treatment, especially for dry skin.
90mins: 45$
120mins: 65$